Preparedness is the key to safety, and personal safety is about being aware of your surroundings. Preparing for disasters or emergencies is a must, whether it’s a natural calamity like a hurricane or a man-made disaster such as a terrorist attack. By being aware of your surroundings and staying alert, you can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Moreover, personal safety planning can help you reduce your exposure to potential threats.
For example, personal safety applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Some of these applications can automatically alert an internal command center and a pre-selected list of emergency contacts when a user is unconscious. Other applications can send assistance and direct the nearest emergency response. These technologies can also capture real-time audio and video to help people recover from disasters. However, in many cases, the person’s conscious decision to stop breathing is not enough.
It’s crucial for security providers to embed a culture of preparedness in the workplace. Too often, the end users approach security from a reactionary perspective. They consider how much building access is being protected by their security systems, but they forget about protecting their employees. Higher education campuses, for instance, need to be concerned about protecting their students, faculty, and guests. In contrast, retail stores need to worry about the constant flow of shoppers.
Besides physical and mental health, personal safety training should also address legal aspects. This knowledge will enable employees and management to protect themselves, their colleagues, and the environment. Aside from educating employees, it will also enable them to more effectively report potential incidents of violence in the workplace. It may save lives. This is the most important part of personal safety. If you’re a hospital employee, you need to take responsibility and educate yourself on personal safety and preparedness.
In addition to personal safety, a good training should include legal aspects. It will make employees aware of their legal responsibilities and how to support their employers in emergencies. This will help them report any incidents or calamities effectively. In addition to this, it will provide them with the skills and confidence they need to deal with a crisis. It’s also essential to prepare for a workplace where there are many different employees.
A comprehensive personal safety training course should include legal aspects. This will enable employees to understand their obligations and what they can and cannot do under a particular situation. A good training should also educate management on their responsibilities in matters of personal safety. In this way, it will make them more likely to report a problem to their employers and colleagues. A personal safety application should also teach people how to act in cases of emergency. They should learn how to act when a crisis occurs and what to do in order to help themselves and others.