How to Install a Home Garden Electric Fence

The installation of a home garden electric fence requires you to install four corner posts and the remaining support rods at least 8 feet apart and about 30 inches above ground level. After setting up the corner posts, wind the polytape around them, threading it through insulators on three levels, and then tie a square knot to secure it. You may choose to lower the wire if you plan to exclude woodchucks from your garden.

The electric fence will condition animals to stay away from the garden after receiving a shock. When an animal explores a new fence, it may brush up against it or touch it with their body. If they are shocked, they will avoid the area and avoid further contact. The success of the system depends on the type and power of charger used. For example, a low, closely spaced electric garden fence is effective in controlling rabbits and squirrels, but deer require a tall fence with seven to nine wires and wider spacing.

To install an electric fence, you need a charger for your fencing and a ground rod. Connect the charger to a wooden post or nearby building. You also need a ground rod wire that you need to drive into the ground. Once you have installed the fence, make sure to check it with a digital voltage meter or a non-digital tester that features an indicator light. Then, you can start securing the wire.

After installing the fence, you should do some initial training for your animals. It is important to train your animals to stay away from the electric fence. This will make them respect it better and protect your garden. And if you want to make the process easier, you can do it yourself. Using a tape lock in insulator will help reduce the elasticity of the wire. Lastly, make sure the wiring of your home garden electric fence goes round, and that the fence is grounded properly.

An electric fence should never be strained too tight. If it is, it isn’t safe for your children or pets. An electric fence will be painful if touched by your hands, so it is best to use an inline strainer or other tool to maintain a sag between the posts. A high quality conductor will be able to carry more electricity. Also, the lower the ohm per meter value, the better the performance of the fence.

The voltage output of a home garden electric fence is similar to that of a car’s distributor. The spark plug wires are thickly insulated to prevent shorting and arcing. In addition, the fence energizer’s output is not continuously on. Instead, it pulses on and off every second. This provides more shock value than a constant, steady electrical current. It can protect a garden or an entire yard from predators.

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